Wanda's Tower


Erschienen am 15.06.2021, Auflage: 1/2021
5,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781665529037
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 566 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Wanda the wanderer, practitioner of the movable feast, barroom pick-up artist, skilled technician at electronics and seduction, is a sexual adventuress who works as a repair and installer technician for a major telephone company. At an earlier age, just at the physical developmental stage where she was entering into puberty and her hormones are starting to run away with her, while on a road trip with her parents, staying in her own room at sleazy motel, she overhears a couple going at it hot and heavy in the next room over on the other side from her parents room. As Wanda listens, captivated, she longs to join the couple in the next room in their thrashing orgasmic encounter. These experiences have transformed Wandas life.As the second stage of her life opens, Wanda is now a mature women in her early thirties. Wanda has become fully dedicated at and skillful in the art of seduction and the quick get away without complications. Electronics is her profession and seduction is her hobby - she is dedicated to excellence in both her profession and avocation. She has no desire or intention to fall in love or get married. Both would de-rail her chosen life pattern. She is fully aware that she might find herself alone at the end of her life but she does not care. Wanda is fully ready to end up alone at the end of her life. It is a price she is willing to pay to live her life the way she prefers and wants to live it. Wanda and Chuck met each other under an assumed identity. Chuck's assumption and Wanda's carefully crafted procedure to avoid complications are both blown apart when they meet the next day on the installation project. Chuck is pleasantly surprised to find his lover again. Wanda is totally rattled by the unexpected complication. Things go smoothly. The two grow to like each other. More than just like each other. They make love (on the top of the completed relay tower - fresh roof tar end up on their backs). Wanda violates her rule of not having sex with a man more than once. Chuck is falling in love with Wanda. This is the kind of complication Wanda wants to avoid. Though she likes Chuck enough to violate one of her cardinal rules, Wanda still doesn't want to give up her lifestyle. Will Wanda give up her hedonistic lifestyle to be with Chuck forever? Will true and deeper love will emerge on Wanda's part and whether she and Chuck will come to be together for life or will Wanda's love of the open road triumph over love and take her away from real love and leave her on the road forever moving toward a horizon that keeps receding from her?

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