
eBook - How to create a culture of service and stand up for the customers

Erschienen am 03.08.2018, Auflage: 1/2018
7,49 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783964548078
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 120 S., 3.82 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


YELLOWHow to create a culture of service and stand up for the customers.A business parable inspired by real-life events.STOP COMPLAINING AND MAKE THINGS HAPPENCompanies make great efforts to win a client, only to lose it later because of a poor service attitude. Different areas work internally like silos, disconnected from reality and the needs of the people they claim to serve.But, what if after an exhausting day, you take a taxi and what happens inside the vehicle transforms the way you see your job? What if somebody showed you that it's possible to change your reality if you change your attitude? What if reality is not a cause, but a consequence? What if we got up every morning happy to do our jobs because it's not merely a monotonous task, but it fulfills a higher purpose? What then?What if a humble cab driver became our greatest teacher? Welcome to Yellow, a journey through our own reality.YELLOW is based on a real experience, with a real taxi driver; someone who despite all the adversities decided to make the difference for his passengers and make his work meaningful. This is the story of Miguel Gonzalez, a driver whose teachings transformed the lives of Neptune Packaging employees, a business like any other that needed desperately to connect with and get passionate about that weird specimen called the customer.


David Gomez is Director of Bien Pensado, a sales training company based in Colombia. Before starting Bien Pensado in 2009, David worked in sales and marketing for several multinational companies such as Coca-Cola, Dupont, Varta Rayovac, Avery Dennison and Latin Group of Advertising (Glp). He has published several books in Spanish: Detalles que Enamoran in 2017; Bueno, Bonito y Carito (Stop Competing on Price) in 2016; El día que David venció a Goliat (The Day David Defeated Goliath) in 2014; and Facebook Toolbox in 2011. David is currently an international speaker and trainer. For more than 20 years he has helped hundreds of companies to differentiate from competition. David holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a major on Marketing, is also a Consumer Behavior Specialist and earned his Mba from Icesi-Tulane University. David was born in Cali, Colombia, in 1970. Lives in Bogota with his wife and two children.

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